Rank: Server not listed! L2Invictus

General Information:

Server Statistics:

  • Status

  • Check Lineage 2 server

Server Features:

  • XP Rates:
  • x10
  • SP Rates:
  • x10
  • Adena Rates:
  • x5
  • Drop Rate:
  • x5
  • Spoil Rate:
  • x5
  • Safe Enchant:
  • 3
  • Max Enchant:
  • 20
  • Ench.Rate:
  • 55%
  • Blessed Rate:
  • 55%

Server Description / Features

High Five L2j Retail like No core bugs
Almost perfect Geodata
Olympiad enchant limit 8
Dualbox allowed only 1 extra box
Security System prevents all client modifications
Antibot system prevents Bots and all kind of automations
Community GM shop up to S
Community Global Gatekeeper
Community Auction
Community Buffer
No pay to win Donate is up to dynasty a never will be higher

Server UpTime

At left we have percentage bar and bottom the days!

Server Banners

The Server Banners are dynamical updated images
showing many usefull informations.

You can use them everywhere you want
(on forum signatures, on your websites, etc).

Be carefull, do not change link codes!

This server does not have post youtube video!