Rank: 46th MasterofLineage2

General Information:

Server Statistics:

  • Status

  • Check Lineage 2 server

Server Features:

  • XP Rates:
  • x3
  • SP Rates:
  • x3
  • Adena Rates:
  • x5
  • Drop Rate:
  • x2
  • Spoil Rate:
  • x2
  • Safe Enchant:
  • 6
  • Max Enchant:
  • 30
  • Ench.Rate:
  • 60%
  • Blessed Rate:
  • 70%

Server Description / Features

Master of Lineage 2 Server!

Global Settings (H5 & SOF):

Safe enchant: +6 weapons / +6 Armors / +6 Jewels
Max enchant normal and blessed: +25 Weapons / +20 Armors and Jewels
Max enchant divine: +30 Weapons / + 25 Armors and Jewels
Max enchant in oly: +6 Weapon / +6 Armor / +6 Jewels
Element chance = 65%
Normal enchant weapon, armor, jewelry = 60%
Blessed enchant weapon, armor, jewelry = 70%
Divine enchant weapon, armor, jewelry = 100%

Unique vote system/ Autolearn Skills / Books needed to enchant skills
Buffs are 2 hours duration / Community Board Buffer / Premium system
Hero Mobs / Banking / Offline trade/private creation
Smart Community Board with GM Shop / Coins Shop / GK / Drop Search
Popup Class changer / Free Subclass / Max subclass level 85
Weight limit 1000x / Increased inventory/warehouse slots (500/300)
Olympiad every month / Siege every 2 weeks

Server Info H5:

XP / SP / Drop / Spoil = x20
Adena = x30
Raid Drop = x3
Quest Drop = x10
Quest Reward = x10
Manor = x15
Party XP/SP Multiplier = x2.5

Autolearn Skills till level 80 / All skills 80+ (FS)
Life cystals needed for clan skills / Player/Pet Scheme buffer / Wedding
Noblesse by Quest Item / Max adena 99 Billion
Hellbound areas / Seven signs
Freya Instance/ Delusion Chambers

Server Info SOF:

XP / SP = x3
Drop / Spoil = x3
Adena = x5
Raid Drop = x1
Quest Drop = x2
Quest Reward = x2
Manor = x2
Party XP/SP Multiplier = x1.5

Custom Dimensional Raid / Conquest Areas
Primordial Fire Source Abilities / New Fire zones
All Timed Hunting Zones / Homunculus Creation
All Daily instances (solo, party, cc)

Server UpTime

At left we have percentage bar and bottom the days!

Server Banners

The Server Banners are dynamical updated images
showing many usefull informations.

You can use them everywhere you want
(on forum signatures, on your websites, etc).

Be carefull, do not change link codes!

This server does not have post youtube video!