Rank: Server not listed! L2Aden

General Information:

Server Statistics:

  • Status

  • Check Lineage 2 server

Server Features:

  • XP Rates:
  • x8
  • SP Rates:
  • x8
  • Adena Rates:
  • x5
  • Drop Rate:
  • x5
  • Spoil Rate:
  • x8
  • Safe Enchant:
  • 3
  • Max Enchant:
  • 20
  • Ench.Rate:
  • 60%
  • Blessed Rate:
  • 80%

Server Description / Features

The server is protected against bots. There is no limit on the number of open windows.

Clan creation level 8. The first, second and third classes can be bought for in-game currency from the The Ghost of Aden. The sub-class is taken without a quest.

The buffer is located in each city, the character has 28 slots for the buff. Inventory increased to 160 cells, weight limit raised by a factor of five.

Added Grace Ring (50% Permanent Rune Effect), Cerebus Ring (CP recovery/resistance), Phantom Earring (reuse/attack), PvP Boost system to the server. Ring of Core +4 CON, Earring of Orfen +4 MEN.

Fixed .epic Bosses respawn: Baium every Tuesday and Friday at 20:00, Antharas every Saturday at 20:00, Valakas every Sunday at 20:00. All other bosses according to the official servers.

Player-accessible commands: .rb check 72+ RB status. .menu character setup, .offline offline trade, .vote vote reward, .acp, .pa checking premium status or buying it.

Costumes have been added to the server, which give a 20% increase to the adena you receive, and can be obtained in-game. Experience and drop runes added to the server, available for character creation, class purchase, Shiny Adena, GM Event!

The Mammon smith and the Merchant are available at the Forge of Giran. Resources can also be made there without a prescription.

The server has a 7-day cycle of the Olympiad. Maximum enchantment +6, minimum number of battles 9 (1 must be victorious). Start from two people (check for HWID).

Redesigned fishing tournament, adding a skill for running speed and spd. atk. for Proof of Catching a Fish.

Added 7 new skill buffs for 3 classes of support characters. Scroll to use the skill is dropped from the champions.

The description of the project will be updated as it develops, if you have any ideas email us in Discord or Support.

Server UpTime

At left we have percentage bar and bottom the days!

Server Banners

The Server Banners are dynamical updated images
showing many usefull informations.

You can use them everywhere you want
(on forum signatures, on your websites, etc).

Be carefull, do not change link codes!

This server does not have post youtube video!