Rank: Server not listed! L2COBALTD

General Information:

Server Statistics:

  • Status

  • Check Lineage 2 server

Server Features:

  • XP Rates:
  • x450
  • SP Rates:
  • x450
  • Adena Rates:
  • x100
  • Drop Rate:
  • x1
  • Spoil Rate:
  • x1
  • Safe Enchant:
  • 4
  • Max Enchant:
  • 25
  • Ench.Rate:
  • 65%
  • Blessed Rate:
  • 75%

Server Description / Features

Time Server, Site and Forum - GMT -0\r\nDuration of the Buffs, Dances and Songs - 3 hours\r\nMaximum Buffs Slots - 43\r\nMaximum Slots Dances and Songs - 12\r\nChance Minimum Debuffs - 10%\r\nChance Maximum Debuffs - 90%\r\nOlympiads Max Enchant -. 6\r\nAnti-Bot System (Gameguard)\r\nGeodata and Pathnodes - Yes\r\nSub-Class Quest - Not\r\nSub-Class Maximum Level - 46\r\nMaster Class - Yes\r\nOffline mode Shop - Yes\r\nAuto Learn Skills - Yes\r\nAuto Learn Loot - Yes\r\nAuto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot - Not\r\nVitality System - Yes\r\nChampions System - Yes\r\nWedding System - Yes\r\nRates\r\nExperience (EXP) - 450x\r\nSkill Points (SP) - 450x\r\nAdena - 450x\r\nDrop Items - 1x\r\nEnchants\r\nSafe Enchant - 4\r\nMax Enchant - 25\r\nNormal Scroll chance - 100%\r\nBlessed Scroll chance 90% ate +16 , and not crystallizes\r\nGolden Scroll chance 50% +21 to decrease +25\r\nCrystal Scroll chance - 70% +17 to decrease +22\r\nGolden Enchant, lose 10% every enchant 100% ate +20\r\nChanges\r\nFarm System: All hunting areas of the game only drop Adena & Farm Coin, equipment and Ancient Adena, varying only according to their level. The other drops, considered disposable in a PvP server (materials, recipes, parts, etc) were completely removed from the game.\r\n\r\nNPCs - NPCs The weapons, armor and accessories are uniquely customized to provide a unique experience in a fun and competitive environment.\r\n\r\nRaid & Grand Boss: All raid and Grand game Bosses have drops and modified status. The drops and strength of Raid and Grand Bosses will vary depending on your level. The Drops may include: Adena, equipment,Giant\'s Codex, and Enchants, Boss Jewels , TvT Coins, Donate Tickets... and many more.\r\n\r\nYou do not need to go to the Quest Grand Boss, you can teleport directly by (Global Gk)Teleport.\r\n\r\nAll configurations and features that were not reported here are Retail, ie equal to the official Lineage II or were considered irrelevant.

Server UpTime

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showing many usefull informations.

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