Rank: 67th L2Pwner

General Information:

Server Statistics:

  • Status

  • Check Lineage 2 server

Server Features:

  • XP Rates:
  • x1000
  • SP Rates:
  • x1000
  • Adena Rates:
  • x1000
  • Drop Rate:
  • x1000
  • Spoil Rate:
  • x1000
  • Safe Enchant:
  • 6
  • Max Enchant:
  • 20
  • Ench.Rate:
  • 70%
  • Blessed Rate:
  • 90%

Server Description / Features

• Chronicles of Server: Interlude. Rate: x1000. Classic game with a unique idea. Game starts in Town of Goddard allready from 80 LvL.\\r\\n• Absolutely everything can be achieved by gaming.\\r\\n• Girls get free Heroism for 15 days\\r\\n• Maximum enchant +20. Chance of 70% to 90%. Scrolls are knocked out of Mobs. In the Shop for Gold Bars stuff are sold already enchanted at +20.\\r\\n• Maximum enchant of Skills +30. Simplified enchant to +9 with 100% chance. Books of Giants are mined on TvT and from Bosses.\\r\\n• Sub-classes are taken at 80 LvL at once. You can take up to 10 sub-classes.\\r\\n• Temporary Epic Jewelry is mined within an hour for Farm Currency. The Temporary Epic is no different from the Original Epic, except that it cannot be used at the Olympic Games.\\r\\n• Free Full Buffer, no VIP sections. Resists available. There are defined 44 Buff slots. Alt+click for spot removal of buffs.\\r\\n• Implemented a lot of Standard Interlude Sets and Weapons as basic Equipment with modding.\\r\\n• Added 9 different Tattoos with small characteristics for a more flexible PvP system.\\r\\n• HP, CP, MP automatic potions using system is available.\\r\\n• Available auto-farm system for TvT Medals.\\r\\n• Available \\\"Lost Connection\\\" system. If for some reason you were thrown out of the game, the Character will remain in the game for some time and will gain invulnerability until you come back in.\\r\\n• Heroic Skills are also used to the Sub-Class.\\r\\n• The Olympiad period is 7 days. Limit on enchant +6. Once a week we turn on/off the use of Epic Jewelry.\\r\\n• The main Farm Locations are Ketra and Primeval Isle. We can change them at the request of Players.\\r\\n• Two Local Bosses with respawn during 3 to 7 minutes in the main Farm Locations.\\r\\n• Nine Local Bosses with fixed respawns in PvP Zones and nice drops. A detailed description of the drops is available from in-game NPCs. The group that does the most total damage gets the drop.\\r\\n• 186 Regular Raid Bosses with respawns ranging during 24 to 36 hours.\\r\\n• Noblesse Skill is available to all Players from the moment of Character creation. Noblesse status is acquired through a simplified quest. Respawn Noble RB: 4 hours +30 minutes. Quests are given to all participants, not just the party that achieved it. Announcement 15 minutes before the appearance of the Boss.\\r\\n• TvT Events are held on Full Buff, in different locations, once in every 60 minutes. Additional reward for Top Kills is Heroism for 2 hours.\\r\\n• Changing Nickname and Title colors for Gold Bars or PvP Coins.\\r\\n• In the store you can buy basic skills from the LS for Gold Bars: Wild Magic, Might, Duel Might, Empower, Shield and Magic Barrier.\\r\\n• Simultaneous use of Active and Passive LS is allowed.\\r\\n• Top-Grade Life Stone are knocked out of Monsters on Primeval Isle with chances from 1% to 100%. Chances of catching a skill from LS: 3-7%.\\r\\n• Item Skill: Solar Flare - has no rollback, it can be used in PvP and banned in the Olympiad. Other battle LSs have regular rollback and can be used in the Olympiad.\\r\\n• On Primeval Isle - Cancell, some Bishops and Over skills are banned, for reason to make more interesting having fun solo. Also, Auto Nobles are avialible.\\r\\n• A Clan is created allready at level 8. Clan skills are available to all members of the Clan.\\r\\n• Regular Clan Halls - sold at the Auction for Gold Bars. Elite Clan Halls - are siegeable. Forts - can be purchased for Coin of Luck through the Administration. All Halls have all the necessary NPCs installed.\\r\\n• Daily sieges of Castles. Time is reduced to 60 minutes. All Castles are available. Reward for the whole Clan: Passive Noblesse + 5% bonus to HP&CP stats. These bonuses are not allowed in Olympiad and TvT. Among other things, there is an additional reward to the Clan Leader for capturing or holding in the form of in-game currency.\\r\\n• For killing Local Bosses, capturing Castles and gaining Heroism, your Clan will receive custom points and you will rise higher in the Server Clan Rankings. Statistics can be opened with the command .topclan

Server UpTime

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