Server Features:
- XP Rates:
- x120
- SP Rates:
- x120
- Adena Rates:
- x120
- Drop Rate:
- x1
- Spoil Rate:
- x1
- Safe Enchant:
- 3
- Max Enchant:
- 25
- Ench.Rate:
- 66%
- Blessed Rate:
- 76%
Server Description / Features
Big Stats. Offline farm system. Auto Farm, Daily and Weekly Quests. Solo and Party Instances. NPC Buffer normal (2 hours) and Enchanted (8 hours + Heal). Global Gatekeeper (extra teleports for Nobles). Remote Class change, Easier Quests, Dualswords with SAs, PvP Zones, Daily PvP Event, Top PvP and PK rewards daily at 21:00, Class tattoos and Normal Tattoos (3 tiers), 3 Castles (Aden, Giran, Goddard) - weekly sieges - 60 minutes, Hero weapons craftable, 12 Clan Halls based on Ancient Adena currency with 3 days cycle, members with Clan Hall or Castle have access for easier craft (-20%), PvP skills obtainable with pvp tokens, PvP protection, More than 400 extra skill levels, Raid Boss Jewels drops only from Bosses, 24+4 Buff slots, flood protectors, commands /account /vote /raid /epic /title, Geodata, Classic interface, Shift Click for drops, GM shop up to B Grade, Low level traders, Offline shop and much more. Experienced staff, made from old players with nostalgia of the 2004 the golden era of Lineage 2.
Server UpTime
At left we have percentage bar and bottom the days!
Server Banners
The Server Banners are dynamical updated images
showing many usefull informations.
You can use them everywhere you want
(on forum signatures, on your websites, etc).
Be carefull, do not change link codes!

This server does not have post youtube video!